September 24, 2006

The Ordinances (selected Scriptures)

Jesus gave two ordinances (sacraments) to the Church to be celebrated in a perpetual manner until He returns: baptism and communion.

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September 17, 2006

Knowledge Is Power - Part 1 (Ephesians 1:15-23)

In Ephesians 1:15-23 Pastor Paul prays that God would help Christians grow in their understanding of their spiritual resources in Christ. We need to grow in this way too.

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September 10, 2006

Secure in Christ (Ephesians 1:3-14)

Today we address the doctrine of “election.” This is probably the most complex and misunderstood teaching in the Bible. Christians have debated it for 1,900 years…the debate continues.

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September 3, 2006

Our Riches in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-3)

Every Christian is rich! But not in terms of material possessions. Rather, Christians are rich in a greater way—rich in spiritual privileges. The book of Ephesians delineates a treasure-house of God’s blessings endowed to every believer based on each individual’s personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Today we begin to examine the inexhaustible spiritual riches that have been entrusted to us for our good and God’s glory.

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