November 26, 2006

Paul - Secret Agent (Ephesians 3:1-6)

God entrusted to Paul more mysteries than to any other apostle–mysteries that he was to reveal and explain to the church. Here in Ephesians 3, Paul delineates the greatest of the mysteries he revealed to the saints.

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November 19, 2006

Under Construction - Part 1 (Ephesians 2:19-22)

In Matthew 16:18, Jesus promised that He would build His Church, the Body of Christ. The Church is a living organism, composed of immortal souls. Here in Ephesians, Paul tells how Jesus is fulfilling His promise to build the Church in a dynamic way.

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November 12, 2006

Real Racial Unity (Ephesians 2:11-18)

Generally speaking, throughout history, before Christ came, Jews and Gentiles hated each other. But Christ came as the “Prince of Peace” and through His sacrificial death and resurrection He made peace possible between these two groups and actually formed one new humanity or heavenly race called the “Church.” In this passage Paul tells how all believing Jews and Gentiles have now been reconciled to each other spiritually and relationally.

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November 5, 2006

Divine Accomplishment (Ephesians 2:8-10)

The Bible asserts that every person is religious, knows God exists, and worships something (Romans 1:18-23). The Bible also clearly teaches that apart from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, people worship the wrong God, because they are trying to reach Him and appease Him in the wrong way…through their own self-effort. Humanity naturally tries to find God through “human achievement”—this is the earmark of false religion in all its various forms. The biblical alternative to finding God is through “Divine Accomplishment.” In Ephesians 2:8-10 Paul explains that attaining salvation is strictly through what God has done for us, not based on what we can do for Him.

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