January 28, 2007

Church Discipline (Matthew 18:15)

Only twice in the Gospels did Jesus mention the "Church" explicitly. Once is in Matthew 16 where He promised He would build it. The other is in Matthew 18 when He commanded believers to maintain spiritual health in the Church by practicing biblical “Church Discipline.” The procedure for implementing “Church Discipline” that Jesus outlined is straightforward, obligatory, systematic, and the only recourse for dealing with sin in the Church. When it is neglected or when it is supplanted with alternatives, then the Church suffers. Careful and courageous obedience to it brings God's solutions and blessings.

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January 21, 2007

Body Building, Part 1 (Ephesians 4:11)

"And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers."

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January 14, 2007

Every Gift is From Above (Ephesians 4:7-10)

In Ephesians 4:7-10, Paul tells us that Christ dispenses spiritual gifts to the Church, and to every Christian, for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ. God is growing the Church toward maturity, in unity, with diversity among individual believers.

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January 7, 2007

Desires of the Heart and the Will of God (Psalm 37)

It has become commonplace to make New Year’s Resolutions as the new year begins. A new year is upon us. God is the Author of life, and the Bible promises that we can entrust our future into His care. Psalm 37:4 and other Scriptures are key for Christians when thinking about dedicating our future into God’s care.

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